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In Lithuania (107 km)

Euroroute R1 Lithuania

leads close to the coast over the northern part of the Curonian Spit to Klaipėda and from there through the seaside resort Palanga and Šventoji to the closely situated Latvian border.

The unique patterns of light and shadows on sunny days or the sad melancholic atmosphere on misty or even rainy days make the path through the forest of the Curonian Spit one of the best parts of the Euroroute R1.

Moreover, the unproblematic ferry ride to the center of Klaipėda, the further coastal route through the vibrant vacation resorts and the widely praised good touristic infrastructure make the visit in Lithuania a very pleasant experience.

The Euroroute R1 through Lithuania correlates with the EuroVelo-Route 10 and is signposted as such in good quality in both directions. Except for a small number of kilometers, the inner-village cycle tracks and a short sandy part, this route offers natural landscapes and scores with best asphalt quality.

The nearly daily ferry connections between Klaipėda and Kiel become a fixed part of the travel for cyclists who start or end their tour here in Lithuania.

Here you can find places to stay.
These were recommended to us by cyclists or we have used this yourself.

IS.RADWEG.    in Nida

IS.RADWEG.     in Klaipėda

IS.RADWEG.     in Palanga and Šventoji

Europaradweg R1, Euroroute, Karten, Radweg, Reiseführer, Shop, R1, Radweg R1, Baltikum, Balticcycle, St. Petersburg, Boulogne-sur-Mer, Kurische Nehrung, Lettland per Rad, Frankreich, Belgien, Niederlande, Polen, Kaliningrad, Litauen, Lettland, Estland, Etappenkalkulator, bicycle.lt, Latvia, Vänta Aga, Ostseeküste, Tallinn, Riga, Küstenradweg, Ostseeküstenradweg, Masuren, per Rad, Klaipėda, Höxter, Europa-Radweg R1, Tartu, Tallinn, Valka, Valga, Riga, Iwanowgorod, Velopiter, Narva, Sigulda, Tukums, Kuldiga,
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